
Fundraisers are available throughout the year to help raise funds for band members’ Fair Share payments as well as the band program’s general expenses.

Fair Share Fundraisers
All funds raised by the band member and their family are directed to the band member’s Fair Share payment for the year.

Golden Regiment Rehearse-a-Thon/FansRaise
August 22, 2020
Students can raise funds through individual sponsorships. The online, secure donation platform gives 100% of each gift to our program or the selected participant’s fair share. Donations can be made here.

Wicked rehearsal

Cheesecake Sales
September 2, 2020
The catalog includes cheesecake and other delectables, including everyday favorites and great gift ideas! Students receive 40% of each sale to be credited to their fair share account.

Gatornationals Parking Detail
September 26-27, 2020
Students and family members can earn Fair Share by working parking detail at the Gatornationals racing event at the Gatornational Racetrack. Our group will be directing cars to parking spots throughout the morning and early afternoon. Each worker will receive $50 credited to their fair share account. You must be at least 14 years old to participate.
Sign up for a spot on Signup Genuis here.

Papa John’s Discount Card Fundraiser
September 28-October 9, 2020
The cards sell for $10 each, with $9 per card credited to Fair Share. Included on the card are 9 coupons:
2- $5.00 off a regular menu price item.
2- BOGO – Purchase 1 large or XL pizza at regular menu price and get a medium 1-topping pizza, FREE.
2-BOGO – Purchase 1 large or XL pizza at regular menu price and get FREE garlic parmesan breadsticks.
2-BOGO – Purchase 1 large or XL pizza at regular menu price and get a FREE 10” cheese stick.
1 -Meet the manager special: One FREE large pizza.
For more information, click here. An order form is available here to keep track of card orders.

Papa Johns card front
Papa Johns card back

“A NC Rome in Every Home” Apple Fundraiser
November 9-30, 2020
Delicious Moss Farms Rome apples are packed fresh in 10-pound bags and will be delivered to Buchholz.  The cost of each 10-pound bag is $10, with students earning $5 per bag towards their Fair Share. Use this Google form to submit number of bags sold by November 27; turn payments in on November 30. For more information and a printable order form, click here.


Vidalia Onion Fundraiser
March 29-April 9, 2021
Sweet Vidalia onions straight from Georgia! Each 10 lb. bag of onions costs $10, with students earning $6 per bag towards their Fair Share. Pick up is Saturday, May 1, 2021, 9-11 am at Fort Clarke Middle School. Pick up will be drive-through style in the front of the school. For more information and a printable order form, click here.


General Fundraisers
Funds raised are put toward the general fund for the entire band to cover expenses such as purchasing and maintaining instruments, uniforms and equipment, as well as help with travel expenses and much more.

A “Taste for Music” – Reimagined
April 24, 2021
This year’s event is free, outside and open to the whole family (and all friends), and features musical performances by the Buchholz Jazz Band. We’ll have gift sets and other items to auction online before the event. Stop by to pick up your winnings that evening and stay for the music, dancing and togetherness near Hoggtowne Music in Thornebrook Village.

21 A Taste For Music FB Image

How to Get Involved

Please consider becoming more involved by volunteering as a chairperson for one of the fundraisers. If you chair a fundraising committee, it does not mean that you will be working on that fundraiser alone! What it does mean is that you’ll work together with other band parents to organize a successful fundraiser.  The more volunteers we have, the more successful our band program will be! If you have any questions about volunteer opportunities, please contact Lisa Zunkel, Vice President – Fundraising at